Thursday, April 30, 2009

Hynlee Bryce

Hynlee is my new little love bug! She was born Feb. 4th . Amanda got to deliver her! It is the neatest thing when your best friend gets to take part in bringing your new baby in the world. She is such a blessing. When she was born she had a true knot in her cord. The nurses told us we were so lucky to have her here and healthy! I still get chills when I think of what could have happened to my little girl! But she is growing so much now she is 12 weeks old. And is changing so much! She now weighs 12 pounds and is learning new things all the time. She just found her hands last weekend and now she wants them more than a pacifer! She is so beautiful with those big dark blue eyes. I love that she has hair! My other two didn't have any when they were babies!

Callee Bug

Callee Emma is my middle child. She just turned four and will be starting pre-k in the fall. There is nothing girlie about her unless you count her beautiful curls! She is ruff and tough and likes nothing better than playing in the dirt. She is the little boy her daddy has always wanted! Callee is a wild little monkey who loves climbing and jumping on every thing. She is a little dare-devil and will try anything atleast once. She just started gymnasctics and loves it!

Kenslee Grace

Gracie is my oldest, she is five. I can't believe my baby girl is starting school this year. She is my girlie-girl with the big attitude! She is a talker who never knows when to stop. But she has the kindest heart. She loves taking care of others and helping out where-ever she is needed. She loves being the big sister helping take care of her 3 baby sisters if you ask her.( She thinks Kylie Reese is her sister too!)

My first blog

Ok! Here goes..this is my first time creating a blog. Amanda has been begging me to create one and I just never have found the time. So we will see how this goes. Not really sure I will have much time to update this with two beautiful, but messy little girls and a 12 week old and a husband to clean up after. But anyways hope you enjoy having a glimpse into our crazy, hectic, beautiful, but very blessed life!