Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Stone Mountain

Sunday morning Derick was so very sweet and let me sleep in late. Hynlee hasn't been sleeping good at night lately so needless to say I haven't gotten any sleep lately either. But when he came to wake me for church he had the whole day planned out for us. He wanted to take us to Stone Mountain and spend some quality family time together! So we all jumped up and got dressed and off we took. The girls were so excited. Derick asked them if they wanted to hike up the mountain and of course they said YES! We have taken them a couple of times before but never up the mountain. I don't need to remind you how clumsy, wild, fast, and sometimes hyper Callee can be. She doesn't see the danger in ANYTHING! But we had the don't go to far ahead, and be careful, don't run, it's very dangerous talk down at the bottom. And surprisingly they all did very good. Hynlee rode about half way up in her carrier and then she wanted down. But Callee and Grace walked all the way up without any serious mishap! Of course when we finally made it up, we all wanted a little snack and everything was closed. I guess cause it's off season but you couldn't even get a bottled water. So down we went. Grace was a little scared of the hike down and Derick had to carry her down the steep parts but we did it! Then to make it a field trip(cause we still have so many to take before the end of the year) we walked through the museum. They were a little upset because the train wasn't running either. But we had a wonderful family filled day with memories to last forever:)

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Rough week at our house:(

This week has been so stressful and slow! To start the week off Gracie got a stomach bug and was sick all day Monday and Tuesday. The girls had a date night planned with their daddy on Monday. They were to go on a horse and carriage ride. But we had to cancel cause Grace just wasn't up to it. And then little Hynlee has had an extra rough week this week. Within the past couple of days she has cut three of her one year old molars and two of her front bottom teeth. She is getting a mouth full all at once. Now on top of that she is trying her best to catch a cold. She is just miserable! She can't sleep, doesn't want to play, and sometimes to ill for you to even hold her. Today I rounded the corner and she was just lying on her blanket in the middle of the living room. The only thing she does want is our TSH TSH aka our fish. She has just lately started saying this and it took me a couple of days to realize what she was meaning. But now every morning she says it and she is ready to feed it. Did I mention the name? Wally Camalee? Not sure thats even spelled somewhat right. Needless to say Callee named it. She is so creative with her names. I can't wait to see what she names her children one day. Hopefully with the stomach virus over and the teeth now thru the skin the worst is over. I'm looking forward to a nice relaxing weekend! HaHa!!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Valentine's Weekend

This is a little late...just like everything else I do but like the saying better late than never. We had a wonderful snow filled Valentines weekend. All day Friday and early Saturday morning we had a couple inches of snow. Which in Georgia is like a blizzard. This was the most snow the girls had ever seen. So of course we made a last minute run to the grocery store to get milk and bread. It was a mad house. Derick made it home at a decent hour from Atlanta and we just enjoyed the view! Friday we didn't play much out side. Hynlee wasn't totally sure she liked it. But Saturday morning my phone starting ringing early. I thought ok maybe Amanda or Mom. Then again..still too tired to get up and answer it. But by the third time I thought ok maybe something is wrong. Nope..no emergency just Aunt KK and Charles wanting to come over and play in the snow with the girls! Of course the girls had fun. But you have to think this was also the most snow we have had since being married. So Derick and I were having a blast, sledding and throwing snowballs at each other. Or I was trying to hit him...he would catch mine and throw them right back flying at me! We even used my baking sheets as sleds! But sadly I didn't get any good pictures of it. My batteries died and we didn't have any more. Then on Sunday we had a wonderful time at church and the Sweet Heart Dinner and later that day Derick took me and the girls out. I had a wonderful time with all four of my loves! Hope your weekend was just as good:)

Monday, February 8, 2010

Hynlee's First Birthday

This past weekend we had Hynlee's first party. The theme was all pink and brown with Sweets! We had three cakes, cupcakes, brownies, chocolate dipped strawberries, cotton candy, suckers, chocolate pretzels, sugar cookies....the list goes on and on. It turned out really nice except for the fact that I was completely out of it the entire time. There was a mix-up at my pharmacy between my two doctors and two different medicines. I thought I was taking the antibiotics and I took two pain pills which completely knocked me out. I have never felt so crazy in my life. But the party still was a success. Little Hynlee loved playing in her cake, but had no interest at all in opening the presents. After all the deserts and gifts we ended the party by decorating cupcakes to take home and sending the balloons to Papa in Heaven.