Hynlee thinks she is a lot older than what she really is. Callee always did exactly what Grace did but I thought it was because there is only 17 months between the two. But that's not the case here. She watches EVERYTHING they do and then she trys her hardest to do the same. She has started wanting to do school when they do. Basically she tries to take their paper from their desk and then color it for them. So to make her feel like a big girl, we gave her my desk from when I was little. She loves it! She mastered it in one morning. She can climb right in and out just like a pro! Today she was sitting in it playing on her computer and Callee wanted to show her how to play a game on it. Callee is always trying to correct her or be the boss. I guess Grace has bossed her for so long. Now she has someone to boss around..or so she thought! Well Miss Hynlee wasn't gonna listen to that and so she climbs out and chases after her with her mouth wide open to bite. I said in my stern voice, Don't you even think about it. And she turns around and climbs back in her chair. Callee comes right back to try again. And Hynlee went after her again. What am I gonna do with this little girl. It's not funny but it is! She's so little but so full of attitude it's cute.
So I thought your trouble started at two's? She's completley different from Grace and Callee. She hits, bites, slaps, and screams if she doesn't get her way! I know she's the baby and we have all given her everything she's wanted for the past year. But seriously this has got to stop! Grace was just laying on the couch this morning and she walks up to her and slaps her right in the face!
Why, you might ask?
Did she want something Grace had?
NO! She just did it!
Then Callee was sitting in Hynlee's desk and she walked right up to her and slapped her and then kept walking. It was like she was saying..this is mine. I don't want it right now, but you NEED to get out!
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Monday, March 8, 2010
Missing my Bailee!

BUT that doesn't mean I will ever execpt that fact.
I know you read this blog mom and I'm still sorry for your cat. But with that being said I still don't believe MY baby could have done it. I would give my right arm to have him back. I have been begging Derick to go get him and let me have him back for just one day but he won't! I want to see him but I'm not sure what scares me the most.
FIRST...That he won't run to me and HUG(jump on me) me the way he always did or
SECOND..The fact that I will have to say goodbye again.
Bailee was my baby from the first moment our eyes met! He was in a way my best friend. He was there when I woke up. He was there when I went to sleep, or when I needed a break from the house and just took a walk..he was there! When Derick would get up off the couch to get a drink or whatever Bailee would steal his seat and curl up to me. When the girls were out to play I knew they were completly safe with their buddy right beside them. I miss go to McDonalds just to order him a double cheese burger. There will always be a place in my heart for my Bailee that will NEVER be filled again:(
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Ok so today is the day..I have to have a brain MRI done this afternoon and I'm not at all ready. I'm ready to know why I have been feeling this way for so long but the test scares me to death. It may seem a little strange but I'm more worried about the actual test than the results. I'm so claustrophobic and the thought of laying still in a machine all around me making noise for so long just freaks me out to say the least. The doctor has given me medicine to help relax me, but I've never taken this so not sure how its gonna affect me. If you know me then you know I can't take medicine very well.
Tylenol PM or benadryl KNOCKS me out cold!
So in a way I'm hoping this does so I don't even know whats going on during the test but then there is my other problem.
Derick is gonna have Grace and Callee at softball practice. So they will be fine. Mom is going with me and she will be watching Hynlee.
My problem is IF the medicine knocks me out..how long will I be out of it? My test isn't until 5 this afternoon and it's gonna take 45 minutes IF it all goes good. Depending on how many times I hit the button and FREAK OUT!
So if the test starts at 5 then the earliest we will be done will probably be 6. Which means dinner at our house. So if I'm still drunk then what are my kids gonna think of Mommy sleeping all afternoon and night. I have tried to explain this to Grace and Callee. But who knows how much they really understand.
Then the BIG problem is Hynlee! She still nurses a few times during the night... I know she doesn't need too..But she does! I can't nurse with this medicine so she is gonna have to take a bottle or cup. Which is most likely not gonna happen. She is spoiled very bad to me during the night so not sure how much sleep the family is gonna get tonight. So please say a little prayer for me and my family today!
Tylenol PM or benadryl KNOCKS me out cold!
So in a way I'm hoping this does so I don't even know whats going on during the test but then there is my other problem.
Derick is gonna have Grace and Callee at softball practice. So they will be fine. Mom is going with me and she will be watching Hynlee.
My problem is IF the medicine knocks me out..how long will I be out of it? My test isn't until 5 this afternoon and it's gonna take 45 minutes IF it all goes good. Depending on how many times I hit the button and FREAK OUT!
So if the test starts at 5 then the earliest we will be done will probably be 6. Which means dinner at our house. So if I'm still drunk then what are my kids gonna think of Mommy sleeping all afternoon and night. I have tried to explain this to Grace and Callee. But who knows how much they really understand.
Then the BIG problem is Hynlee! She still nurses a few times during the night... I know she doesn't need too..But she does! I can't nurse with this medicine so she is gonna have to take a bottle or cup. Which is most likely not gonna happen. She is spoiled very bad to me during the night so not sure how much sleep the family is gonna get tonight. So please say a little prayer for me and my family today!
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