This was after she did it. And from the look on her face she was happy about it.....

Well school has started and boy is it hard this year. Grace and Callee are doing wonderfully, it's little miss prissy! She is into EVERYTHING ALL THE TIME!! I love teaching the girls, sharing every minute possible with them, and keeping them from the things they don't need to learn. But it's very difficult this year. Hynlee is wide open all day. Never slowing down and sitting still. She likes to do exactly what the girls are doing. Today when school was over and I was busy grading and filing papers, she decided to paint her nails. I'm still not sure how she got into the child-proof drawer....she may have had a little help if you know what I mean! But anyways she got out some paint and painted the tile floor, the wood floor, the couch, her arms, fingers and feet hot pink! Keep in mind this was all within about a minute. She came walking by my desk and all was fine. Then a short 60 seconds later I get the strongest scent of nail polish. I didn't think to take a picture before I cleaned up the floors but here is her job of a pedicure