I have wanted to blog about this since...well since we were there. But like always it's been crazy around here the past few weeks. A couple Fridays ago Derick came home and I could tell he was up to something. He had planned a night a way for the two of us. This was HUGE. We had never taken a trip just the two of us since the girls were born, and Hynlee had never spent the night away from me. I was so nervous but so excited. Derick and I really needed this time away for some just us time. The girls stayed with their Granny and Paw-Paw for the night. Of course they had a ball and Hynlee never cried.
Derick took me to Chattanooga to this beautiful, OLD bed and breakfast type place. It was 100% us...more me, but still us! Everything was old, antique and had a shabby feel. I loved everything about the place....especially the claw-foot tub:) So when we get there and check in and walk around. We decided it was time for dinner. We would go out for the night and have a nice quiet dinner just us. Well you could tell we didn't exactly know what to do with all the us time without the girls. We rode around town trying to decide what we wanted. And where did we end up?? SUBWAY! Out of all the places we could have went! But it was perfect. We took it back to our room and HUGE bed. And pigged out and enjoyed adult TV. No Disney channel for one night. I couldn't have asked for a better night away. It was awesome. My wonderful husband even called ahead and had me flowers waiting for our arrival. I can't wait until we have another us trip. Maybe next time a little longer;)