Monday, March 21, 2011

A weekend away

I have wanted to blog about this since...well since we were there. But like always it's been crazy around here the past few weeks. A couple Fridays ago Derick came home and I could tell he was up to something. He had planned a night a way for the two of us. This was HUGE. We had never taken a trip just the two of us since the girls were born, and Hynlee had never spent the night away from me. I was so nervous but so excited. Derick and I really needed this time away for some just us time. The girls stayed with their Granny and Paw-Paw for the night. Of course they had a ball and Hynlee never cried.
Derick took me to Chattanooga to this beautiful, OLD bed and breakfast type place. It was 100% us...more me, but still us! Everything was old, antique and had a shabby feel. I loved everything about the place....especially the claw-foot tub:) So when we get there and check in and walk around. We decided it was time for dinner. We would go out for the night and have a nice quiet dinner just us. Well you could tell we didn't exactly know what to do with all the us time without the girls. We rode around town trying to decide what we wanted. And where did we end up?? SUBWAY! Out of all the places we could have went! But it was perfect. We took it back to our room and HUGE bed. And pigged out and enjoyed adult TV. No Disney channel for one night. I couldn't have asked for a better night away. It was awesome. My wonderful husband even called ahead and had me flowers waiting for our arrival. I can't wait until we have another us trip. Maybe next time a little longer;)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

And the season begins

It's that time of year again. Softball! I was so exicited to get started again...well at first I was. But this year has gotten off to a rough start.Where do I even start with my list of complaints?? Grace had to move up a league. This means the girls are no longer on the same team. So no longer just two practices a week. Now it's two per team twice a week and Grace is now required to be in the batting cage a hour a week. So thats atleast five trips to the park a week. Not to mention their practices are not at the same park sometimes. I feel as if I'm having to choose one over the other. I hate that feeling! Then there is Grace's size. She is the smallest on this league. Not just her team the entire league! And the other girls have teased her about this. And that is so hard for me. I'm not use to anyone saying anything negative torwards the girls since their home with me all day. I know to a certain extent this is good for her. She has to learn to deal with certain currmistances without me there to help. But there has already been a couple instances where I wanna run out on the field grap my baby and never go back. And I think what makes it so hard is she doesn't feel the same about it this year. Not sure if the league change, not having her Daddy for the first time, or the fact that they use a pitching machine that unnerves her, but one or maybe all has her a little scared. Last night at practice she came to the fence with tears in her eyes all because all the other girls were paired up and she was left alone. It took all I had not to say, "ok let's go!" I'm trying to stay positive. Grace has always loved ball. That's her thing..but maybe just maybe it had more to do with her Daddy helping than just ball than she wants to admit! Derick really wanted to move up and help coach Grace. But Callee begged him to stay with her. How could he say no? Then there is Callee Bug. She is doing good. A little better at staying out of the dirt than last year but I don't feel like she wants to play. I think she only does it cause it's what Grace has always done. Most of the time she just stands there and watches it go right past her. But after all that being said, I'm looking forward to what this season holds! It's gonna be an adventure just keeping Hynlee occupied for two different games each trip.