Thursday, September 29, 2011

I love you to Pluto...

Hynlee in the sunflower field this summer

This is something I tell the girls often, I love you to Pluto and back. Even Hynlee will walk up and tell me now. But last night, Derick and Hynlee and I were watching the Braves game snuggled in our bed. Hynlee leans over and says."I love you to Pluto Mommy!" Derick ask,"Well how far do you love me?" Her reply, "I love you to duck" After asking her to repeat it a couple times to make sure I heard her right. She did say duck! Then it hit me! She thinks the Pluto we are talking about is Pluto the Dog and the duck would be Donald Duck! Love it! Love her and the funny things she says:)

Monday, September 26, 2011

My Daughters

My beautiful daughters, I was blessed with three of you...
You will never know how proud I am of all the things you do.

You came into my world, so tiny and so small...
And I was in awe at the wonder of it all.

Then you placed your little hand in mine...
There was no denying, my heart was yours 'til the end of time.

I have watched you three through out the years, laugh, cry and grow...
And it is difficult to know, that someday I will have to let you go.

I just can't imagine, a day of my life without you...
Because you're a part of me and my love for you is true.

So just remember, no matter how old you are or where you may be...
There's someone who needs you and loves you and that someone is me!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

The Blessings Continue

Another day, another blessing! I have posted before about Gracie's reading issues. She has had the hardest time with her spelling/reading. I have taken her to her pediatrician, a  psychologist for ADD testing, and special ed center for learning disabilities. We have also taken her to tutors. I felt as if we were in a loosing battle. Like it was my fault, I wasn't doing something just right. But one day at lunch it was like a light bulb went off.. I noticed that she was confusing two words for the same. The words were nothing alike. I called her pediatrician back who had her sent to a specialist ENT. Grace had been given a hearing test three times before. We went to the doctor and immediately she was diagnosed with  sensorineural Hearing Loss. We were told she could only hear 50% of the phonics sounds in each ear. Next step another doctor for auditory processing disorder. Well everyone said I should feel better. Now we knew. It wasn't me and I couldn't fix it on my own. She was going to need extra help from speech to maybe even a hearing aid. But to be honest, I didn't feel better. I was discouraged. Why had it taken me so long to see this?
Her specialist appointment isn't for weeks. So I decided I would research and learn all I could on both problems. The more I read the more I confused myself. So I decided I wouldn't read or depress myself with the what if''s. And I tried that for a couple days. But that didn't last long. Something just wasn't adding up. If she had hearing loss then how could she have APD? She couldn't. If you can't hear then you can't process it wrong. You simply couldn't process it at all. Right? After feeling pretty sure I was right. I call her first ENT back. And PRAISE THE LORD my baby has NO hearing loss! The nurse misunderstood and coded the paperwork wrong. We are 90% sure she has APD(still waiting on the test). Here I was worried to death about hearing aids and how she would feel wearing them and for what? I don't believe it was a coincidence. I believe it was simply another amazing blessing from the Lord.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

My Miracle Child

I have said it before but Hynlee is my miracle baby girl. All three of the girls are blessings from above. But Hynlee was born with a true knot in her cord. All of my doctors and nurses made sure we understood just how special our baby girl was and still is. But one of the days I missed when I was on blogging hiatus, is one I wish I could forget. The only reason I'm choosing to blog this is for her to read one day. So she knows just how special she is that the Lord saved her.
A few weeks back my grandmother had her 80th birthday. The family wanted to make it a special occasion. The entire family went out of town for the weekend and stayed on a beautiful ranch. Everything was beautiful! Spending much needed family time and just enjoying being with one another. But on that dreadful Saturday morning we took the kids for a quick morning swim. Hynlee has always had a fear the other two never had of the water. She doesn't like it in her face or to be put in floats. I've never had to worry much about her going in the water. But it has ALWAYS been enforced around water you MUST wear your floaties or vest. Never has it been an option!! After a fun filled morning relaxing and playing, I gave the five minute warning. I started picking up the toys and straighting up around the area. I was right there! Never did I walk off. My dad was still in the pool with all the kids. I turn to put up the toys and I will never forget that sound. The sound of my sister screaming. My babies arm floaties were taken off and she had tried to walk to my dad. She was on the bottom. My heart stopped! I went numb. I will be honest I almost got angry. I thought my dad had taken them off and turned his back. I later find out who did. But that's not the important part. My child was blue. Her hands, her feet, and mouth were BLUE! Yes her father and I both know CPR. But could I have done it? I would hope so. Praise the Lord she didn't need it. She threw up and was breathing on her own. For the remainder of the day she was quite and understandably clinging to me. Her first bath after that I ended up in there with her. I can't put into words how I feel. How blessed I am. How I will never take a day with any of my babies for granted. I could have lost it all that day. I'm just so very grateful...I try not to, but I can't not think about what if.....

No excuses!

I promised to keep this up for the girls and family and I have failed miserably! It been months since the last post. Let's see I missed our Disney trip, girls finishing school, Sonny Rae's birth, school starting again. But starting today this is going to change. When I sit back and think of all the funny, silly things that keeps me going. I wanna remember them always! Like how Hynlee still refuses to wear clothing. Two steps in the door and off they come. I'm picking my battles. She doesn't like them. She doesn't complain in public so for now I'm good! And how Callee can't seem to walk anywhere. She is tumbling everywhere. And yes it drives me insane at times but she loves it. Or how Grace loves playing little mommy. She helps me more than I give her credit. Everyday she's there helping out with Lil' Sonny Rae or Eli. And there are even crazy moments with Derick and I. Like for instance this morning I'm walking through the living room and out of no where the recliner pops out and trips me. So you see if I don't write this stuff...(type it)I will forget. And I never wanna forget a moment in this wild, crazy,hectic, beautifully blessed life I call mine:)