Hynlee just turned 9 months this past week. I know I can't believe it either! She is growing and changing every day. She is still the sweetest little thing but her personality is starting show. She has started screaming and pitching a fit if she doesn't get what she wants WHEN she wants it. Can we say another little Gracie!! She trys to clap her hands but hasn't mastered that just yet but she does have waving Bye-Bye down pat now. It's the cutest thing! She is still into everything, pulling everything off the shelves during school and she loves to crawl to the tv armoire and pull all the movies out or pull the baskets off Derick's desk. You can always tell just where she's been or where she is...just follow the mess. It will lead you straight to her!(Sometimes to Grace and Callee too!) The other day she let go and was just standing there for a second or two! She is finally becoming more of a Daddy's girl. He rocks her to bed at night more than I do now. She ate her very first chocolate chip cookie today. I tried to take her picture but couldn't find my camera! So I took it with Derick's(cheap) work camera so it's not so good. Just wish you could have seen her. She had chocolate everywhere!!
Monday, November 9, 2009
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Ok so I'm a little behind on this. I forgot to post Gracie's picture when she lost her first tooth. Way back on September 9th I pulled her first tooth. One night at dinner she said she thought her tooth was loose, but I thought maybe a tooth ache or something. I never thought she would lose one this early. But sure enough it was and in just a few days it was ready to pull! She's still just as beautiful with one missing! And Hynlee has got both of her top teeth this week. So needless to say she hasn't felt too good. She can't sleep and just feels yucky! Hopefully the worst is behind us for a while!!
Sunday, October 4, 2009
My sweetie is 8 months old today! It's seems like the days are going by like minutes and she is growing and changing over night! She learning something new all the time. She can now say ma-ma and da-da and I promise she said bye-bye the other day! She waves bye-bye and pulls up on the side of her bed. She crawled for the first time Thursday night. And she even gets a bath in the big tub now..sometimes even with Grace and Callee just for fun! But my favorite thing of all is when she smile so big and scrunches up her nose. She looks just like Callee when she does!
Monday, September 14, 2009
Hynlee said her first word today! It was Da-Da of course, both Gracie and Callee said it first too! It's the cutest thing in the world! She said it a couple of times all through out the day. But Derick hasn't got to hear her yet..I don't think he really believes me just yet. But Gracie and Callee are my witnesses!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Ok so I'm a little behind on this blog! There has been so much going on at our house lately I haven't had the time to even think straight much less update this. So where do we begin.. Mom took some pictures of us this past week and some of them came out really good. The one day I sat down to put them on here and pick the ones I wanted to post and had ever thing ready I hit the wrong button and "x"ed out of everything and I was too tired to re-do it. And then Wednesday Grace lost her first tooth. She looks so funny! But it's kinda sad she is growing up way to fast! And then on Saturday Grace and Callee had there first soccer game. They were both doing so good until I screamed out at Callee and told her that I loved her. And then she started crying. From then on she wouldn't even go out on the field. She says she is not going back, and I'm not going to make her but I hope she changes her mind on her on. Then we had a family reunion with a hay ride and all the works! Then today we had another family reunion. This one had no games, no hayride, and no trampeline so the girls didn't like it so much. Then tonight we took the girls to the park to put a end to our fun- filled family weekend!
Saturday, September 5, 2009
7 Months
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
First Field Trip
Monday, August 31, 2009
Lake Winnie
Friday, August 28, 2009
Soccer Time Again
Monday, August 24, 2009
First Day
Sunday, August 23, 2009
School in the morning!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Hynlee's doctor appointment
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