It's that time again, soccer season! Gracie played last year and Callee wanted to but she wasn't old enough yet, but this is the first time they have got to play anything together. We were able to get them on the same team. They had their first practice last night. Callee is doing really good if she can just learn how to keep her hands out of her mouth. They both look so cute out there running around on the field. But to look at them you would never know they are sisters. Grace is out there playing with all pink on her shin guards, her cleats, everything. And then here comes Callee bug and of course she had to have all black. Her shorts, her cleats, shin guards. But that's the fun of having more than one kid. It's amazing at how they have the same parents, same up bringing and they are two totally different little girls! My camera is still broke so I couldn't get close ups....We went out to eat after practice and that's little Hynlee holding her own sippy! I didn't even know she could until she just reached up and took a hold of it and started drinking! My baby isn't staying a baby long:(
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