Today was so much fun! We had the joy of watching Kylie for a few hours while Amanda had to work. She has grown up so much lately! She has this attitude that is bigger than she is. It's like I always say about my own kids...it's a good thing they are so cute because they can be such a mess sometimes! She kept going in the bathroom looking at the potty so I finally asked her did she want to go potty. She set up there for a while as long as I was singing the potty song. She was dancing but then she did her cute little way of reaching for me to get her. Then the 2nd picture is of her lying down on the floor trying her best to pitch a fit because I had to take Hynlee's nite-nite back from her. But she couldn't even play cry she lied there for a total of a minute and then was up chasing Grace and Callee again. And the last one is of her playing with Hynlee. She would pull down on Hynlee's jumping thing and would send her flying. She was so fun having over today. We are just waiting for the day when she can spend the night with us! Oh and one more thing I tried my best to teach her to call me Meme but she would but there's always next time!
thank you again so much I am sure she had a blast. She was a mess. How funny is that. Sorry Hynlee yall will be the best of friends I know I will make her share.