As I was downloading pictures on my computer last night I realized I missed an important event in my blog, Hynlee's hernia surgery. It was the last week of October and I was getting Hynlee out of the tub when I first noticed it. The IT that I'm referring to was a small round knot just above her bellybutton. I took her to her pediatrician that week. He took one look at it and confirmed that yes indeed it was a hernia and that she had to have it repaired. Within one day we were in Atlanta with her surgeons office. And her surgery was schedule for the following Monday, November 1.
Needless to say I was a wreck. Yes she is my third and I know a little more of what to expect. But we have been so blessed. None of the girls to this point have had to have anything major done, no broken bones, no surgeries, so I was a mess. I held off my tears until we were in the car headed to the hospital. Grace and Callee stayed with Aunt Amanda. I don't remember saying 5 words the whole way there. I just thought about my baby being cut and stitched and scared.
We arrived there before sun up and got all her paperwork done. So we sat and waited. Finally we go back and NOTHING that the surgeons office told us would happen actually happened. We were told that she would be given medicine to ease her into a laid back, easy mode. We were also told there would be no tube down her throat. She would be breathing by herself the whole time. But that was not the case either. The anesthesiologist came in and treated her like just another work project. I understand that this is a everyday ordeal for them. This is what they do everyday. But I was hoping for a little more bedside comfort or reassurance that she would be ok. But it was short and sweet. The surgeon was very nice but was about the same. When we finally realized that they were not planning on giving her the medicine. We had to have both of them come back and have another talk. They agreed to give it to her. No sooner than the dropper left her mouth the effects started taking effect. She was silly and loopy. She would just look at you and smile. I had been told by other parents this would happen. I asked/wondered how in the world could you laugh at a time like this? But I did. She was silly. Her Dad didn't think so much! That's when he started crying. He said that wasn't his baby acting like that. And I totally understand that point. But I believe that the good Lord knew I need a little laugh. A good thought to think about as she went back.
They came and took my baby shortly after. Lord I'm about to cry just thinking back! There is NO FEAR like handing your baby over to a stranger to have them operate on her. I was not only scared about the surgery but the anesthesia. She had never had any.
We were then took back to the waiting area where we were suppose to just WAIT. I sat nervously shaking. Her Daddy could think of her waking up without a surprise. So Granny and Daddy ran to the gift shop. All of her other grandparents stayed and waited with me. Within about 35 minutes they came and got me. Derick hadn't made it back yet so they led me to conference room. The nurse knew I was scared to death. Without anyone there with me she saw it in her heart to sit and hold me. Yes I had my parents and in-laws and husband but for a complete stranger to see the fear in my eyes to offer comfort to me..just another patients mother will always mean so much to me!! Before the doctor came back in her Daddy came bursting thru the door. He made it! Balloons and gifts in hand! Then the surgeon explained everything. That it was a success. She was fine and would be awake shortly. And that from the time she was put to sleep until he stitched her it was exactly 9 minutes. After reassuring us she would be herself in a day or two, we were then lead right back to the waiting area. The volunteer then came and got me. Only one of us could go back and sit with her in recovery. Derick understood that I HAD to see my baby!! But this is where the hospital lost a lot of respect from me! I understand that the volunteer was just that a volunteer. And that she was older, but she was the one taking me back. As we walk through the doors. I did a quick look around. All the rooms were just divided by curtains. And it looked like every available space was taken up. But I noticed a room just as you walk in on the left that looked different. I was closed in with glass walls. All I could see was a strand of blonde hair with about four nurses standing over her. Then as if everything was going in slow motions I hear the volunteer calling me. "Mrs. Dodson, your child is right here in station 2." No I respond, that's my child. That's her hair. I knew, not sure how but I knew without a doubt that was my little girl. And she was in the DIFFERENT room, with all the nurses and attention. My heart stopped! She then wants to argue with me that no my child was not in there. So I stop and refuse to move my legs or feet. I stand watching the action in the room as the volunteer still wants me to follow her. I was right that was my baby in there. And something was NOT right. Why all the nurses, why in a glass closed off room, why was the volunteer trying to get me to leave? I walk into the room. The monitors were all going off at once. The piercing sound of beeps was all I heard. She layed there motionless, wrapped tightly in her blankets. The nurses all seem to look up at once. Wondering why I am here. They then realize the volunteer brought me back too soon. She was supposed to get another little girls mother. My baby girls vitals were not stable and they didn't want me there. But it would have taken two or three HUGE guards to move me then. I moved back and let them do their work, but I was NOT leaving her. Two or three stood over her, another one pushing buttons on the monitors. And two others working on her charts. But I stood there silently praying my baby was ok and that I could hold her very soon or atleast get close enough to touch her!
Finally she stabilized and I could stand at her head. It was just me and her and the nurse and beeping of her monitors. I was able to Knock her daddy and grandparents video of her lying there sleeping what looked peacefully. But I thought recovery was supposed to be just that. But no sooner than she was stable and her charts were done. Her nurse ask me to start softly calling her trying to wake her. Well I did just that. But obviously not fast or loud enough. She then starts calling her and shaking her. Then trying to sit her up and arouse her. Let me throw this in...this was the nurse who seemed to be a new one. One who was just learning. Everything she did she would run and double check with someone else. Yes I'm glad she was checking but this was MY child's nurse.
Hynlee then was in my mind roughly waken up. She was scared, in pain, and all confused at once. She went from sleeping to screaming in a split second. They said I could hold her then. As I tried to hold her, but I was scared I was going to hurt her incision but wanted nothing more to hold her tightly and reassure her I was there and she would be ok. It seemed like all at once they were shoving pain medicine and Popsicle and trying to take her iv out too fast. The new nurse in charge of her IV is very lucky I didn't go off on her. It was all happening to fast and I was just as scared as Hynlee. Keep in mind she was just 20 months at this time. The nurse was squatted down in front of me trying to talk to Hynlee. She wouldn't listen, couldn't listen! She was terrified. You could see it in her eyes. But the nurse keeps saying, Hynlee if you wanna go home, sit still. OR Hynlee I have to take this out! Stop moving. OR Hynlee do you want another Popsicle? Well since Hynlee was moving so much she roughly yanks the IV out. It starts pouring! I was furious. And Hynlee was still screaming. Why could they not see she was overwhelmed. She needed her space and a few minutes to just us? Then no sooner than she had that taken out we were moved to a discharge room. Where they in that big of hurry to fill her bed? As we walk in the room so does her Daddy and grandparents. I'm not sure if they could tell but the last 35 minutes or so had been the worst of mine and Hynlee's life. I do know one of the first questions her Daddy asked was why her arm was still bleeding that way? And within about 10-15 minutes they had us out the door and on our way home. I understand outpatient but in my opinion they should have just performed the surgery in the parking lot so we wouldn't be in their way!! With the exception of a few nurses I did NOT like that place!!
But she slept from then until about 5 that night. She quickly perked up and acted like our little Hynlee. And she played for a couple hours. She would only eat Popsicles. But when she started feeling bad she let us know. She went from fine to terrible fast! That night she wanted her nite-nite and stood there crying because she couldn't bend over to pick it up.
She was her old self within days and her post-surgery check-up went well. Thank you for everyone who helped with the girls, or came to visit. And thank you most of all for the prayers!!
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