Today is my lil Hynlee's 2nd birthday! WOW!! She is growing up way too fast! God has blessed me way more than I deserve to be able to call these WONDERFUL little girls mine! And he gave me an extra special blessing the day Hynlee was born. My pregnancy had more trouble with her than the other girls but with the exception of very early contractions and blood pressure problems and of course EXTREME morning sickness. I was blessed to have another healthy pregnancy! It wasn't until the end, when I was in labor and delivered my new baby girl did we realize she had a True Knot. I wasn't exactly sure what this meant but could tell from Amanda's and my mid-wife's face they were shocked! Everyone continued to call her a miracle baby. One of the nurses sat us down and talked it over with us. We asked questions but everyone just said,"Things could have turned out a lot differently!" It wasn't until the next day when my other mid-wife came in to check on us that I truly realized what a EXTRA SPECIAL BLESSING we received! She had tears in her eyes as she explained and stressed the fact that she was indeed a miracle girl. If you research true knots, they only happen in 1% of pregnancies! And your risk for miscarriage or stillbirth goes up to 5 or 10% compared to if you had no knot. So you see lil Hynlee came two weeks early. I can only see God's amazing grace in this! Had she went on and continued to grow she could have only became more cramped, pulling the knot tighter, possibly ending her life before we got the chance to meet her. I am forever grateful!!
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