It seems like every post I make is something along the lines of how fast the girls are growing and changing. I know this, I know I can't stop them from it, nor can I slow it down. All I can do is make the most of the time I have with them. I accept that..not that I don't want to stop time and keep them babies forever. But with that being said I was not ready for this!! The other night when Callee was so sick she asked if I would lay with her until she fell asleep. So as she was dozing off, Grace was getting ready for bed. She was turning down her covers, making sure her slippers and housecoat was at the end of her bed, even turning on her alarm clock(yes on the weekend) that she just got, because she doesn't need me to wake her anymore she says!! But as she was climbing in her bed our little conversation went like this:
Mommy, I'm starting to feel like a BIG girl!
Well, Grace that is because you are, you are growing so fast!
I know Mommy, but big girls don't call their moms mommy anymore
Yes, they just call them Mom
Well I guess some do.
What do you think I should call you?
Well what do you wanna call me?
I'm not sure?
You can call me what ever you feel comfortable with (I say this as my heart was BREAKING!)
Well I guess I'm gonna rest my eyes now MOM!
Ok Gracie! I love you forever!!
Love you too!
Thank God she has slipped up and still called me mommy a few times. I know she is growing up but I want to always be her Mommy!!
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