Too often you take everything for granted. Everything from your children's health and your own, to being able to provide for them the way you always have. As I mention earlier Callee has been VERY sick lately. But in one day on the right medicine and she is a completely different child. Her appetite is slowly coming back and she is step-by-step becoming the wild child she has always been. She's running and playing and finally feels like fighting with her sister again. I'm so very grateful my baby is on her way to recovery! But just as fast as something bad can get better, it can go the other way around. Derick has worked for the same company for the past 10 years. He has been able to provide us with everything we have needed and I have been so blessed to have had the privilege to stay at home with my angels. But he walked in the office Monday and they told him it was his last day. A lack of work is what they are calling it. And yes I understand that things are hard and there aren't that many jobs for them right now. But seriously I wish we would have a warning of some sort! But my amazing husband and his unfaltering faith is not worried. When I first saw him after we got the news he came up and put his arms around me...not the other way around. Hello...he was the one who just got laid off and here he was supporting me. Worried how I was and how I was taking the news. Cause we all know I can sometimes how do you say it?...OVERREACT!!
I was busy asking what are we going to do?
And how long are we going to be ok?
I need to find a job!
He then looks me in the eye and says,
It's your job to raise these girls, to take care of them.
It's my job to provide for you. Don't worry!
Man how I wish I was that strong! To have that kind of faith.
Don't get me wrong. I know the Lord has brought us to this and if we trust in him, he will bring us through it. I just let the devil get the best of me. So just like my last post please say an extra prayer for us again. That Callee continues to improve. And that Grace and Hynlee don't get any worse(forgot to mention they are coming down with the same thing)and that Derick finds a job that not only provides us with the necessities but also makes the most deserving man alive happy. Something that he will enjoy doing and getting up and going to everyday. And for me, that I will continue to put my trust in the Lord. That I will be here to support Derick in what ever it is that he chooses. And that I can be half the spouse to him that he is to me!
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