I have fallen behind once again on this. Within the past month or so a lot has happened! I've never been so stressed out in my life. It seems as soon as one trouble is over another starts. But yesterday was all it took to do me in. I feel like I'm in over my head. I could easily explain it all but right now I can't see the keys as I type for the tears. So if you can please say a prayer for me!
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Halloween 2011
For some reason this year I just wasn't into Halloween. Maybe cause this was the first year without the big fall/Halloween party? Not sure but just wasn't feeling it. The girls talked for weeks about who/what they were dressing as. It's different now. Years ago I would pick out a cute outfit and that was that. But now they have to pick it out. So after 1000x changing their minds. Grace and Callee were CeCe and Rocky from Disney's Shake It Up.
And miss Hynlee Bryce decided at the very last minute she was going to be a Lalaloopsy. They started trick-or-treating about 11:00 in the morning and lasted all day. Poor Hynlee fell into a sugar coma and was out! These kids are making me old. By 9:00 I couldn't keep my eyes open!
Even Papa Ingle got in on the action. Here is Papa as Rocky!
And then Daddy had to have his turn. I think he secretly wants long black hair. This isn't the first time he has worn one of the girls wigs:)
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Apple Festival
Yesterday we took our annual trip to North Ga for the pumpkin patch and apple houses. This was our first trip to the Apple festival. In my opinion it was nothing special. The same old drain your pockets with kid stuff like all the rest. Within the first 30 minutes of being there we had spent over $40 on camel rides, slides and bungee jump things! Don't get be wrong I love seeing the girls having fun but really $10 for a camel ride that lasted 2 minutes tops?! Anyways we had fun!
We made a stop by our favorite apple house. The Panorama. Derick is in LOVE with their apple pies. However he said yesterdays weren't as good as they normally are. I, on the other hand refuse to eat any other than my Nanny's. Called me spoiled if you want! But once you've had hers, no others compare:) The girls love watching them sorting the apples and then making the pies.
Grace and Callee with the clown. Hynlee was NOT going near him!! |
Watching with Granny |
This is Derick with Callee Bug's Pumpkin. I love that this is the place I went growing up and now we take the girls. But Burt's has grown so much! It's unreal at how big it's gotten over the last few years.
My girls:) |
And after picking out about 100, Hynlee finally decided that this was the one for her. I love this picture. She held it for all of 2 seconds and was then done with it!
It's much easier to just find a bigger one and sit and wait!
So all in all we had a great day. Other than the fact that I had yet another allergy attack. This time to hard butterscotch candy. Yes! Really! It was processed in the same place as peanuts. But all was good. I hadn't ate a whole piece yet when I noticed so a no epi-pen just some allergy medicine and a quick nap.
Pumpkin Patch
Being a Christian is like being a pumpkin. God lifts you up, takes you in, and washes all the dirt off of you. He opens you up, touches you deep inside and scoops out all the yucky stuff-- including the seeds of doubt, hate, greed, etc. Then He carves you a new smiling face and puts His light inside you to shine for all the world to see.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Where has my baby gone?
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I can't figure out how to flip the picture. But here is her first H! |
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
All in a day
Wow!Yesterday was a day!
10 times 4 = Finger nails painted
9 sippy cups made for 3 toddlers through out the day!
8 assignments laying on my desk needed to be graded and filed.
7 times asking Callee to PLEASE take off the skates
6 wild kiddos ages seven and under
5 loads of laundry washed, folded, and put away!
4 hours of school
3 Hot cooked meals...actually only 2! We ordered pizza but 3 hot meals:)
2 times catching Eli the Lil monkey climbing too high.
1 very tired but very blessed Mommy/Mimi!
Monday, October 10, 2011
Growing old together
Derick sent me this picture yesterday and asked, "Will this be us?" My answer YES! Without a doubt! I can't...NO I don't want to think of a day when he is not right beside me. This picture reminds me of one of my favorite quotes.
“If you live to be 100, I hope I live to be 100 minus 1 day, so I never have to live without you.”
Winnie the Pooh
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Making Memories to last forever
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Watching Tangled before bed:) |
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Back to the books.
Well our first break is over and back to school we go. While planning lessons I came across this poem.
But even amid the worst of all days,
Ode to a Homeschool Mom
As a wife, mother, and home educator
You are the embodiment of life, love, and laughter.
Even at times when you do not feel respected,
You are adored by the children you’ve directed.
Your chosen career means there is much to do,
For you are your children’s best teacher, too–
Training them to walk, to talk and say “please,”
Plus reading, writing, math, and social studies.
Gathering books from the library, you strive
To read aloud and bring history alive.
You take kids on field trips and nature hikes,
Arrange play days and set up movie nights.
You are a modern “Renaissance woman,”
Instructing every one of your children
In all of the fine arts and sciences
While you also pursue your own interests.
You are a housekeeper, nurse, cook, janitor,
Counselor, cheerleader, and a whole lot more.
You can give a lesson and bake a cake
While tying a shoe and mending a break.
You teach your children for most of the day,
And carefully listen to what they have to say.
Rather than measuring by height, grade or year,
You track their growth by the character they wear.
You routinely put your family first
And do your best to fix every hurt.
Your heart is full of compassion showing
You are quite wise and always knowing.
Your life is not as glorious as some,
With many days taken up by tedium.
You rarely get what you truly deserve,
As anyone else would surely observe.
But even amid the worst of all days,
Happiness is found in a special way.
God is your strength and Jesus is your mentor;
As you honor Him, He blesses your endeavor.
Copyright 2007 by Teri Ann Berg Olsen
Monday, October 3, 2011
WOW! Last night Derick and I went with his parents to see the new movie, Courageous. I have no words really to describe the movie other than AMAZING! It was such a wonderful blessing to watch. I have blogged before about having went to Sherwood Baptist on vacation and absolutely love the church, the environment, and people. This movie was no different other than I think it was a step above the others! Such a wonderful message. I have been blessed with such an amazing husband and father to my children. But the movie was such an eye-opener for us all. I never want to take the moments I have been given with my children for granted. I'm forever grateful the Lord chose Derick and the girls for me. So if you haven't seen it please please make it a point to go see it. You won't regret it I promise!
Thursday, September 29, 2011
I love you to Pluto...
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Hynlee in the sunflower field this summer |
This is something I tell the girls often, I love you to Pluto and back. Even Hynlee will walk up and tell me now. But last night, Derick and Hynlee and I were watching the Braves game snuggled in our bed. Hynlee leans over and says."I love you to Pluto Mommy!" Derick ask,"Well how far do you love me?" Her reply, "I love you to duck" After asking her to repeat it a couple times to make sure I heard her right. She did say duck! Then it hit me! She thinks the Pluto we are talking about is Pluto the Dog and the duck would be Donald Duck! Love it! Love her and the funny things she says:)
Monday, September 26, 2011
My Daughters
My beautiful daughters, I was blessed with three of you...
You will never know how proud I am of all the things you do.
You came into my world, so tiny and so small...
And I was in awe at the wonder of it all.
Then you placed your little hand in mine...
There was no denying, my heart was yours 'til the end of time.
I have watched you three through out the years, laugh, cry and grow...
And it is difficult to know, that someday I will have to let you go.
I just can't imagine, a day of my life without you...
Because you're a part of me and my love for you is true.
So just remember, no matter how old you are or where you may be...
There's someone who needs you and loves you and that someone is me!
Thursday, September 22, 2011
The Blessings Continue
Another day, another blessing! I have posted before about Gracie's reading issues. She has had the hardest time with her spelling/reading. I have taken her to her pediatrician, a psychologist for ADD testing, and special ed center for learning disabilities. We have also taken her to tutors. I felt as if we were in a loosing battle. Like it was my fault, I wasn't doing something just right. But one day at lunch it was like a light bulb went off.. I noticed that she was confusing two words for the same. The words were nothing alike. I called her pediatrician back who had her sent to a specialist ENT. Grace had been given a hearing test three times before. We went to the doctor and immediately she was diagnosed with sensorineural Hearing Loss. We were told she could only hear 50% of the phonics sounds in each ear. Next step another doctor for auditory processing disorder. Well everyone said I should feel better. Now we knew. It wasn't me and I couldn't fix it on my own. She was going to need extra help from speech to maybe even a hearing aid. But to be honest, I didn't feel better. I was discouraged. Why had it taken me so long to see this?
Her specialist appointment isn't for weeks. So I decided I would research and learn all I could on both problems. The more I read the more I confused myself. So I decided I wouldn't read or depress myself with the what if''s. And I tried that for a couple days. But that didn't last long. Something just wasn't adding up. If she had hearing loss then how could she have APD? She couldn't. If you can't hear then you can't process it wrong. You simply couldn't process it at all. Right? After feeling pretty sure I was right. I call her first ENT back. And PRAISE THE LORD my baby has NO hearing loss! The nurse misunderstood and coded the paperwork wrong. We are 90% sure she has APD(still waiting on the test). Here I was worried to death about hearing aids and how she would feel wearing them and for what? I don't believe it was a coincidence. I believe it was simply another amazing blessing from the Lord.
Her specialist appointment isn't for weeks. So I decided I would research and learn all I could on both problems. The more I read the more I confused myself. So I decided I wouldn't read or depress myself with the what if''s. And I tried that for a couple days. But that didn't last long. Something just wasn't adding up. If she had hearing loss then how could she have APD? She couldn't. If you can't hear then you can't process it wrong. You simply couldn't process it at all. Right? After feeling pretty sure I was right. I call her first ENT back. And PRAISE THE LORD my baby has NO hearing loss! The nurse misunderstood and coded the paperwork wrong. We are 90% sure she has APD(still waiting on the test). Here I was worried to death about hearing aids and how she would feel wearing them and for what? I don't believe it was a coincidence. I believe it was simply another amazing blessing from the Lord.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
My Miracle Child
I have said it before but Hynlee is my miracle baby girl. All three of the girls are blessings from above. But Hynlee was born with a true knot in her cord. All of my doctors and nurses made sure we understood just how special our baby girl was and still is. But one of the days I missed when I was on blogging hiatus, is one I wish I could forget. The only reason I'm choosing to blog this is for her to read one day. So she knows just how special she is that the Lord saved her.
A few weeks back my grandmother had her 80th birthday. The family wanted to make it a special occasion. The entire family went out of town for the weekend and stayed on a beautiful ranch. Everything was beautiful! Spending much needed family time and just enjoying being with one another. But on that dreadful Saturday morning we took the kids for a quick morning swim. Hynlee has always had a fear the other two never had of the water. She doesn't like it in her face or to be put in floats. I've never had to worry much about her going in the water. But it has ALWAYS been enforced around water you MUST wear your floaties or vest. Never has it been an option!! After a fun filled morning relaxing and playing, I gave the five minute warning. I started picking up the toys and straighting up around the area. I was right there! Never did I walk off. My dad was still in the pool with all the kids. I turn to put up the toys and I will never forget that sound. The sound of my sister screaming. My babies arm floaties were taken off and she had tried to walk to my dad. She was on the bottom. My heart stopped! I went numb. I will be honest I almost got angry. I thought my dad had taken them off and turned his back. I later find out who did. But that's not the important part. My child was blue. Her hands, her feet, and mouth were BLUE! Yes her father and I both know CPR. But could I have done it? I would hope so. Praise the Lord she didn't need it. She threw up and was breathing on her own. For the remainder of the day she was quite and understandably clinging to me. Her first bath after that I ended up in there with her. I can't put into words how I feel. How blessed I am. How I will never take a day with any of my babies for granted. I could have lost it all that day. I'm just so very grateful...I try not to, but I can't not think about what if.....
A few weeks back my grandmother had her 80th birthday. The family wanted to make it a special occasion. The entire family went out of town for the weekend and stayed on a beautiful ranch. Everything was beautiful! Spending much needed family time and just enjoying being with one another. But on that dreadful Saturday morning we took the kids for a quick morning swim. Hynlee has always had a fear the other two never had of the water. She doesn't like it in her face or to be put in floats. I've never had to worry much about her going in the water. But it has ALWAYS been enforced around water you MUST wear your floaties or vest. Never has it been an option!! After a fun filled morning relaxing and playing, I gave the five minute warning. I started picking up the toys and straighting up around the area. I was right there! Never did I walk off. My dad was still in the pool with all the kids. I turn to put up the toys and I will never forget that sound. The sound of my sister screaming. My babies arm floaties were taken off and she had tried to walk to my dad. She was on the bottom. My heart stopped! I went numb. I will be honest I almost got angry. I thought my dad had taken them off and turned his back. I later find out who did. But that's not the important part. My child was blue. Her hands, her feet, and mouth were BLUE! Yes her father and I both know CPR. But could I have done it? I would hope so. Praise the Lord she didn't need it. She threw up and was breathing on her own. For the remainder of the day she was quite and understandably clinging to me. Her first bath after that I ended up in there with her. I can't put into words how I feel. How blessed I am. How I will never take a day with any of my babies for granted. I could have lost it all that day. I'm just so very grateful...I try not to, but I can't not think about what if.....
No excuses!
I promised to keep this up for the girls and family and I have failed miserably! It been months since the last post. Let's see I missed our Disney trip, girls finishing school, Sonny Rae's birth, school starting again. But starting today this is going to change. When I sit back and think of all the funny, silly things that keeps me going. I wanna remember them always! Like how Hynlee still refuses to wear clothing. Two steps in the door and off they come. I'm picking my battles. She doesn't like them. She doesn't complain in public so for now I'm good! And how Callee can't seem to walk anywhere. She is tumbling everywhere. And yes it drives me insane at times but she loves it. Or how Grace loves playing little mommy. She helps me more than I give her credit. Everyday she's there helping out with Lil' Sonny Rae or Eli. And there are even crazy moments with Derick and I. Like for instance this morning I'm walking through the living room and out of no where the recliner pops out and trips me. So you see if I don't write this stuff...(type it)I will forget. And I never wanna forget a moment in this wild, crazy,hectic, beautifully blessed life I call mine:)
Monday, March 21, 2011
A weekend away

I have wanted to blog about this since...well since we were there. But like always it's been crazy around here the past few weeks. A couple Fridays ago Derick came home and I could tell he was up to something. He had planned a night a way for the two of us. This was HUGE. We had never taken a trip just the two of us since the girls were born, and Hynlee had never spent the night away from me. I was so nervous but so excited. Derick and I really needed this time away for some just us time. The girls stayed with their Granny and Paw-Paw for the night. Of course they had a ball and Hynlee never cried.
Derick took me to Chattanooga to this beautiful, OLD bed and breakfast type place. It was 100% us...more me, but still us! Everything was old, antique and had a shabby feel. I loved everything about the place....especially the claw-foot tub:) So when we get there and check in and walk around. We decided it was time for dinner. We would go out for the night and have a nice quiet dinner just us. Well you could tell we didn't exactly know what to do with all the us time without the girls. We rode around town trying to decide what we wanted. And where did we end up?? SUBWAY! Out of all the places we could have went! But it was perfect. We took it back to our room and HUGE bed. And pigged out and enjoyed adult TV. No Disney channel for one night. I couldn't have asked for a better night away. It was awesome. My wonderful husband even called ahead and had me flowers waiting for our arrival. I can't wait until we have another us trip. Maybe next time a little longer;)
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
And the season begins
It's that time of year again. Softball! I was so exicited to get started again...well at first I was. But this year has gotten off to a rough start.Where do I even start with my list of complaints?? Grace had to move up a league. This means the girls are no longer on the same team. So no longer just two practices a week. Now it's two per team twice a week and Grace is now required to be in the batting cage a hour a week. So thats atleast five trips to the park a week. Not to mention their practices are not at the same park sometimes. I feel as if I'm having to choose one over the other. I hate that feeling! Then there is Grace's size. She is the smallest on this league. Not just her team the entire league! And the other girls have teased her about this. And that is so hard for me. I'm not use to anyone saying anything negative torwards the girls since their home with me all day. I know to a certain extent this is good for her. She has to learn to deal with certain currmistances without me there to help. But there has already been a couple instances where I wanna run out on the field grap my baby and never go back. And I think what makes it so hard is she doesn't feel the same about it this year. Not sure if the league change, not having her Daddy for the first time, or the fact that they use a pitching machine that unnerves her, but one or maybe all has her a little scared. Last night at practice she came to the fence with tears in her eyes all because all the other girls were paired up and she was left alone. It took all I had not to say, "ok let's go!" I'm trying to stay positive. Grace has always loved ball. That's her thing..but maybe just maybe it had more to do with her Daddy helping than just ball than she wants to admit! Derick really wanted to move up and help coach Grace. But Callee begged him to stay with her. How could he say no? Then there is Callee Bug. She is doing good. A little better at staying out of the dirt than last year but I don't feel like she wants to play. I think she only does it cause it's what Grace has always done. Most of the time she just stands there and watches it go right past her. But after all that being said, I'm looking forward to what this season holds! It's gonna be an adventure just keeping Hynlee occupied for two different games each trip.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
You've got mail

The girls picked out mailboxes this weekend at target. I figured they would use them for Valentines but they want REAL mail! It's their new obsession. They check them 100 times a day it seems. Their Aunt Ann or Dolly as they call her brought them mail the first day just to put in there for them. How sweet! It totally made their day. So tonight I took out my adorable stationary and left them both a little note for in the morning. It's nothing big to us...but to them it will be everything. It truly is the little things that count the most!
Friday, February 4, 2011
Happy Birthday Hynlee:)

Today is my lil Hynlee's 2nd birthday! WOW!! She is growing up way too fast! God has blessed me way more than I deserve to be able to call these WONDERFUL little girls mine! And he gave me an extra special blessing the day Hynlee was born. My pregnancy had more trouble with her than the other girls but with the exception of very early contractions and blood pressure problems and of course EXTREME morning sickness. I was blessed to have another healthy pregnancy! It wasn't until the end, when I was in labor and delivered my new baby girl did we realize she had a True Knot. I wasn't exactly sure what this meant but could tell from Amanda's and my mid-wife's face they were shocked! Everyone continued to call her a miracle baby. One of the nurses sat us down and talked it over with us. We asked questions but everyone just said,"Things could have turned out a lot differently!" It wasn't until the next day when my other mid-wife came in to check on us that I truly realized what a EXTRA SPECIAL BLESSING we received! She had tears in her eyes as she explained and stressed the fact that she was indeed a miracle girl. If you research true knots, they only happen in 1% of pregnancies! And your risk for miscarriage or stillbirth goes up to 5 or 10% compared to if you had no knot. So you see lil Hynlee came two weeks early. I can only see God's amazing grace in this! Had she went on and continued to grow she could have only became more cramped, pulling the knot tighter, possibly ending her life before we got the chance to meet her. I am forever grateful!!
Thursday, February 3, 2011
My Love
Too many times I get caught up with everyday struggles to tell the people closest to me just how much they mean to me. Well I'm going to try my best and change that starting with my AMAZING husband. He is everything I ever dreamed of in a husband and more!! As I was online today I ran across this quote and it sums it up perfect!
"Sometimes I think my husband is so amazing that I don't know why he's with me. I don't know whether I'm good enough. But if I make him happy, then I'm everything I want to be."
Angelina Jolie
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Sonny Raelyn
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Cinderella's Ball
Last month Grace turned 7! How is that possible?! Seven is a huge scary number for me. She should still be little, on my hip carrying her blanket. But she's not! She has grown into a big girl all too soon. She can be one of the sweetest, most caring little girls ever. But along with growing up she can also stop you in your tracks with that attitude! Wonder where she got that?! This year for her party she stayed true to her roots and had a princess ball. I wouldn't expect anything less from her. Her Granny made all the girls ball gowns. We had a ballroom set up with a dance floor and lights. And for dinner her guests had spaghetti and lasagna.
But to be completely honest I'm not sure who had more fun, her or Callee. You see Miss Callee is also growing up and out of the tomboy stage. And she wanted nothing more than a dance with Brendan. My heart was aching all day. Sacred to death she would have her first little heart break. Everyone knows Brendan has always had a thing for Gracie so I thought it could only end on disaster. But much to my surprise they danced they night away! It was the cutest thing ever! Still not sure Derick liked it but I thought it was adorable.
Derick's 30th birthday
This past October(yes I'm a little late again, but at least I'm trying to get caught up;)) my love turned the big 30! Derick is a pretty easy guy to buy for. Anything makes him happy but I really wanted to do something extra special this year. So at the very beginning of the year I started planning a trip to Nashville. If you know Derick at all then you know Music is just about the most important thing to him! He has been a couple times before but never to the Grand Ole Opry. I on the other hand have been a time or two and couldn't careless. But I started telling my family in case they wanted to join us. Not too long after I call and got prices for the Opryland hotel the major flood came thru and damaged the Opry....the whole point of the trip. All I could get out of the people were they hoped to have it back open in October?! So needless to say plans changed!!
Plan#2. Derick and I had talked many times about going camping. It sounded like fun but I had never stepped foot in a tent. I knew Callee would love it but Gracie and Hynlee, well I wasn't so sure about. But I went for it. I booked a campsite in North Georgia, Cloudland Canyon. This was still going to be a surprise. But as time got closer I had NO idea what we needed. Sure I could get somethings but as far as the lanterns,firewood,gun for safety I was completely lost. So in the end the girls and I spilled the beans to say! And no sooner than the words left my mouth I regretted them. Derick said he understood but I guess it just took some of the excitement away.
Not really sure what took us so long to leave. But we got a very late start and the ride there took longer than I think either of was expecting! Kasey and Charles were joining us and we tried our best to make it before the sun went down. But it just didn't happen! So try you best to imagine arriving at a campsite when it's completely dark, oh and I forgot to mention the only campsites remaining were the hike ins. No problem is what I thought at first. I thought there would be trails! Nope no trails, no lights and three kids and two tents to hike in. A nice lady obviously noticed we had more than we could handle and offered to help. As we made the LONG hike in holding more than each could possible carry...yes even the kids. I think we woke every person and animal in the whole park. I have to add this. Remember when I said I wasn't sure what took us so long to leave? Well that's not completely true. We made a pit stop for walmart's camping section and stayed WAY TOO LONG! And while we were there Callee was whining for a flashlight that attaches to your head. I , yes I take full responsibility for persuading her to buy either a cute pink Coleman lantern or just a regular flashlight. With Callee being Callee she choses the plain, regular one. So back to my point. As we were falling and tripping all over the place and trying out best to hold our load and carry a light. Callee turns and looks at me and simply says,"Now don't you wish we would have bought the other lights?" She was right, I was wrong. There I said it.
But to make a longer story short, we had a blast! Kasey and Charles stayed the first night and Derick's parents came up the next day. We will be camping alot more this year....hopefully before dark next time AND with a air mattress pump that actually works:)
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
As I was downloading pictures on my computer last night I realized I missed an important event in my blog, Hynlee's hernia surgery. It was the last week of October and I was getting Hynlee out of the tub when I first noticed it. The IT that I'm referring to was a small round knot just above her bellybutton. I took her to her pediatrician that week. He took one look at it and confirmed that yes indeed it was a hernia and that she had to have it repaired. Within one day we were in Atlanta with her surgeons office. And her surgery was schedule for the following Monday, November 1.
Needless to say I was a wreck. Yes she is my third and I know a little more of what to expect. But we have been so blessed. None of the girls to this point have had to have anything major done, no broken bones, no surgeries, so I was a mess. I held off my tears until we were in the car headed to the hospital. Grace and Callee stayed with Aunt Amanda. I don't remember saying 5 words the whole way there. I just thought about my baby being cut and stitched and scared.
We arrived there before sun up and got all her paperwork done. So we sat and waited. Finally we go back and NOTHING that the surgeons office told us would happen actually happened. We were told that she would be given medicine to ease her into a laid back, easy mode. We were also told there would be no tube down her throat. She would be breathing by herself the whole time. But that was not the case either. The anesthesiologist came in and treated her like just another work project. I understand that this is a everyday ordeal for them. This is what they do everyday. But I was hoping for a little more bedside comfort or reassurance that she would be ok. But it was short and sweet. The surgeon was very nice but was about the same. When we finally realized that they were not planning on giving her the medicine. We had to have both of them come back and have another talk. They agreed to give it to her. No sooner than the dropper left her mouth the effects started taking effect. She was silly and loopy. She would just look at you and smile. I had been told by other parents this would happen. I asked/wondered how in the world could you laugh at a time like this? But I did. She was silly. Her Dad didn't think so much! That's when he started crying. He said that wasn't his baby acting like that. And I totally understand that point. But I believe that the good Lord knew I need a little laugh. A good thought to think about as she went back.
They came and took my baby shortly after. Lord I'm about to cry just thinking back! There is NO FEAR like handing your baby over to a stranger to have them operate on her. I was not only scared about the surgery but the anesthesia. She had never had any.
We were then took back to the waiting area where we were suppose to just WAIT. I sat nervously shaking. Her Daddy could think of her waking up without a surprise. So Granny and Daddy ran to the gift shop. All of her other grandparents stayed and waited with me. Within about 35 minutes they came and got me. Derick hadn't made it back yet so they led me to conference room. The nurse knew I was scared to death. Without anyone there with me she saw it in her heart to sit and hold me. Yes I had my parents and in-laws and husband but for a complete stranger to see the fear in my eyes to offer comfort to me..just another patients mother will always mean so much to me!! Before the doctor came back in her Daddy came bursting thru the door. He made it! Balloons and gifts in hand! Then the surgeon explained everything. That it was a success. She was fine and would be awake shortly. And that from the time she was put to sleep until he stitched her it was exactly 9 minutes. After reassuring us she would be herself in a day or two, we were then lead right back to the waiting area. The volunteer then came and got me. Only one of us could go back and sit with her in recovery. Derick understood that I HAD to see my baby!! But this is where the hospital lost a lot of respect from me! I understand that the volunteer was just that a volunteer. And that she was older, but she was the one taking me back. As we walk through the doors. I did a quick look around. All the rooms were just divided by curtains. And it looked like every available space was taken up. But I noticed a room just as you walk in on the left that looked different. I was closed in with glass walls. All I could see was a strand of blonde hair with about four nurses standing over her. Then as if everything was going in slow motions I hear the volunteer calling me. "Mrs. Dodson, your child is right here in station 2." No I respond, that's my child. That's her hair. I knew, not sure how but I knew without a doubt that was my little girl. And she was in the DIFFERENT room, with all the nurses and attention. My heart stopped! She then wants to argue with me that no my child was not in there. So I stop and refuse to move my legs or feet. I stand watching the action in the room as the volunteer still wants me to follow her. I was right that was my baby in there. And something was NOT right. Why all the nurses, why in a glass closed off room, why was the volunteer trying to get me to leave? I walk into the room. The monitors were all going off at once. The piercing sound of beeps was all I heard. She layed there motionless, wrapped tightly in her blankets. The nurses all seem to look up at once. Wondering why I am here. They then realize the volunteer brought me back too soon. She was supposed to get another little girls mother. My baby girls vitals were not stable and they didn't want me there. But it would have taken two or three HUGE guards to move me then. I moved back and let them do their work, but I was NOT leaving her. Two or three stood over her, another one pushing buttons on the monitors. And two others working on her charts. But I stood there silently praying my baby was ok and that I could hold her very soon or atleast get close enough to touch her!
Finally she stabilized and I could stand at her head. It was just me and her and the nurse and beeping of her monitors. I was able to Knock her daddy and grandparents video of her lying there sleeping what looked peacefully. But I thought recovery was supposed to be just that. But no sooner than she was stable and her charts were done. Her nurse ask me to start softly calling her trying to wake her. Well I did just that. But obviously not fast or loud enough. She then starts calling her and shaking her. Then trying to sit her up and arouse her. Let me throw this in...this was the nurse who seemed to be a new one. One who was just learning. Everything she did she would run and double check with someone else. Yes I'm glad she was checking but this was MY child's nurse.
Hynlee then was in my mind roughly waken up. She was scared, in pain, and all confused at once. She went from sleeping to screaming in a split second. They said I could hold her then. As I tried to hold her, but I was scared I was going to hurt her incision but wanted nothing more to hold her tightly and reassure her I was there and she would be ok. It seemed like all at once they were shoving pain medicine and Popsicle and trying to take her iv out too fast. The new nurse in charge of her IV is very lucky I didn't go off on her. It was all happening to fast and I was just as scared as Hynlee. Keep in mind she was just 20 months at this time. The nurse was squatted down in front of me trying to talk to Hynlee. She wouldn't listen, couldn't listen! She was terrified. You could see it in her eyes. But the nurse keeps saying, Hynlee if you wanna go home, sit still. OR Hynlee I have to take this out! Stop moving. OR Hynlee do you want another Popsicle? Well since Hynlee was moving so much she roughly yanks the IV out. It starts pouring! I was furious. And Hynlee was still screaming. Why could they not see she was overwhelmed. She needed her space and a few minutes to just us? Then no sooner than she had that taken out we were moved to a discharge room. Where they in that big of hurry to fill her bed? As we walk in the room so does her Daddy and grandparents. I'm not sure if they could tell but the last 35 minutes or so had been the worst of mine and Hynlee's life. I do know one of the first questions her Daddy asked was why her arm was still bleeding that way? And within about 10-15 minutes they had us out the door and on our way home. I understand outpatient but in my opinion they should have just performed the surgery in the parking lot so we wouldn't be in their way!! With the exception of a few nurses I did NOT like that place!!
But she slept from then until about 5 that night. She quickly perked up and acted like our little Hynlee. And she played for a couple hours. She would only eat Popsicles. But when she started feeling bad she let us know. She went from fine to terrible fast! That night she wanted her nite-nite and stood there crying because she couldn't bend over to pick it up.
She was her old self within days and her post-surgery check-up went well. Thank you for everyone who helped with the girls, or came to visit. And thank you most of all for the prayers!!
Monday, January 10, 2011
Merry Chrismas and Happy New Year
Christmas is one of my favorite times of the year. And this year was no different. As a child you look forward to it for the gifts but as you grow older it takes on a totally different feel. The joy in sharing the true meaning of Christmas with your children, the pure look of happiness of your children's faces on Christmas morning, and then there is just the wonderful time spent with family and friends.
This year our holidays started out with the Christmas program at church. This was the first time I had participated in it since having the girls. But we had a lot of fun. Maybe a little more Derick...he got to dress up as a cop and live out one of his dreams.
And Christmas was no different. The girls... no WE ALL are so very blessed. We take for granted what we are given every year. Too many go without and we are blessed beyond belief.
Grace and Callee waited until the Monday before Christmas to decide they wanted bunkbeds. Callee's biggest wish was a BB gun. And Miss Hynlee still doesn't get the whole wish list just yet. But they got it all and then some.
The only damper was on Christmas Eve out of no where I started feeling very weak and tired. By Christmas I was almost miserable. For the next two weeks I was in the bed sick with the flu. But not only was I sick but Derick SHOT me with Callee's new gun. On accident I must add but shot me none the less. I was fine and I'm sure one day we will all laugh about it.
I hope you all had a Very Merry Christmas and A Wonderful New Year!!
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